الأحد، 31 أغسطس 2014

الدرس الرابع . lesson 4 __ ( النقطتان : , colons )


Colons ( : )  ============ النقطتان

Colons can be used to introduce new information, quotations or a list of things.
  النقطتان تستخدمان لتقديم : المعلومات الجديدة او الاسئلة او لائحة من الاشياء
exercise   تمرين 
Hi Damien
Hope you had a good day at school : darling—not long to your exams.
I’ve just found out that your father and I have to go to a movie premiere, so we won’t be here when you get home from school. Anyway, if you can just do these few things that would be great.
Go to the supermarket and buy  cat litter, bran flakes, detergent, coffee, milk, butter, bread, pizza, toilet paper, spaghetti, muesli bars, soap, crumpets, birdseed, cheese, marmalade, steak, sausages, chocolate cake mix and bananas.
Household chores scrub the bathroom, mow the lawn, mop the floor, dust, unload the dishwasher, make the beds and rake the leaves.
Your brother didn’t get a chance to do his chores so if you could  de-flea the cat, wash the dog and clean out the budgie’s cage that would be great.
Thanks darling—don’t forget to do your homework.
Be back 12ish.
Mum xxx
correct answer
 الجواب الصحيح 
Hi Damien
Hope you had a good day at school darling—not long till your exams.
I’ve just found out that your father and I have to go to a movie premiere, so we won’t be here when you get home from school. Anyway, if you can just do these few things that would be great.
Go to the supermarket and buy: cat litter, bran flakes, detergent, coffee, milk, butter, bread, pizza, toilet paper, spaghetti, muesli bars, soap, crumpets, birdseed, cheese, marmalade, steak, sausages, chocolate cake mix and bananas.
Household chores: scrub the bathroom, mow the lawn, mop the floor, dust, unload the dishwasher, make the beds and rake the leaves.
Your brother didn’t get a chance to do his chores, so if you could: de-flea the cat, wash the dog and clean out the budgie’s cage,  that would be great.
Thanks darling—don’t forget to do your homework.
Be back 12ish.
Mum xxx

السبت، 30 أغسطس 2014

الدرس الثالث lesson3 ... ( الفاصلة المنقوطة, semicolons )

*3 Semicolons   ===== الفاصلة المنقوطة 


 1 - Some words that we write need a stronger pause before them than that provided by a comma. Examples of these types of words are: however, therefore, also, moreover, furthermore, hence, subsequently and consequently. بعض الكلمات التي نكتبها تحتاج ان نقف قبلها وقوفا اطول من الذي نفعله عند استخدام الفاصلة .  وكمثال على هذا النوع من الكلمات يوجد   however, therefore, also, moreover, furthermore, hence, subsequently and consequently.
Further examples showing semicolon usage: وهذه امثلة اضافية توضح طريقة استخدام الفاصلة المنقوطة 
1) She is a wonderful chef; therefore we must consider her for the job.
2) He loves camping; furthermore he can afford to go on the trip.
3) I love English; hence I've decided to study Literature at university.
In the above examples the words 'therefore', 'furthermore' and 'hence' need to remain strong in the sentences. They need a strong pause before them and this is done through the use of the semicolon.
'therefore', 'furthermore' and 'hence' في الامثلة السابقة فان الكلمات تحتاج الى وقوف قوي قبلها وهذا يتاتى عبر استخدام الفاصلة المنقوطة
exam اختبار املاء النص التالي بالفواصل اللازمة 
20th September 2000
Dear Gary,
Thanks for your letter of the 12th September.
As I see it, we can do one of three things:  we can postpone the school fete, and hope for better weather have the school fete on the original date, but hold it in the school hall or combine the school fete with the mid-term play.
I don’t think the first option is practical or financially possible as we rely on the profits from the fete to assist with general operation expenses the second option would mean we would not be able to hold such activities as the pony rides, or water bombing the teachers always a popular event. All things considered, I think it is best to combine the school play and fete and make it one huge fundraising event.
Gary, I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
Malcolm Millsom
correct answer
الجواب الصحيح
20th September 2000
Dear Gary,
Thanks for your letter of the 12th September.
As I see it, we do one of three things:  we can postpone the school fete, and hope for better weather; have the school fete on the original date, but hold it in the school hall; or combine the school fete with the mid-term play.
I don’t think the first option is practical or financially possible as we rely on the profits from the fete to assist with general operation expenses; the second option would mean we would not be able to hold such activities as the pony rides, or water bombing the teachers; always a popular event. All things considered, I think it is best to combine the school play and fete; make it one huge fundraising event.
Gary, I look forward to hearing your suggestions.
Yours sincerely,
Malcolm Millsom

الخميس، 28 أغسطس 2014

الدرس الثاني (commas . الفواصل )


*2 - commas  ====== الفواصل

1 - Commas are used to separate words, phrases or clauses. They are used to indicate a short pause.
تستخدم الفواصل لفصل الكلمات و العبارات او البنود. وهي تستخدم للاشارة الى افضلية القيام بوقفة قصيرة اثناء الكلام 
 2 - Commas act as pauses and they can be used to separate independent statements which are linked by: 
for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.
  we must add it before them.
يجب فهم الفواصل على انها فواصل زمنية ووقفات ومن الممكن ان تستخدم لفصل العبارات المستقلة المرتبطة بواسطة : for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so. يجب اضافة الفاصلة قبل هذه الكلمات .
Now read these examples and consider how commas are used to separate different parts of the sentences:
و الان اقراء الامثلة التالية و تفكر كيف استخدمة الفواصل لفصل المقاطع المختلفة من الجملة 
Jenny said she would buy me the tickets, but she hasn't shown them to me at all.
I am buying a new car, but l won't pick it up for another month.
I am going to the party, so l don't expect to come home before midnight!
I have never read Shakespeare, nor has my friend Emma.
She picked the whole crate up in one go, for she is an athlete and l am not.
Would you like some cake, or would you prefer fruit?

الدرس الاول . punctuations علامات الترقيم ( the full stop . النقطة )


  1. A full stop   =========  النقطة
A full stop ends a sentence. A sentence is a complete statement usually containing a verb النقطة تنهي الجملة . الجملة هي عبارة كاملة عادة ما تحتوي فعل 2 - Full stops are also used to indicate abbreviations such as Oct. Mon. Rev. where the abbreviation  did not contain the first and last letter. Today, most people do not use a full stop after an abbreviation. النقطة عادة ما تستخدم للاشارة الى الاختصارات مثل اسماء الاشهر المختصرة او الايام . وذلك عندما لا تتضمن الاختصارات الحرف الاول والاخير للكلمة المختصرة . لايستخدم الكثير من الناس النقطة بعد  الاخصارات في زمننا الحالي

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